Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hollee's First Post!

Hello my name is Hollee.   I am a 10 year old girl who is in 5th grade in San Diego.  My favorite food I can't have.   My favorite thing to do (cook) is something I can not do unless the kitchen is entirely gluten free.  Why you ask?  I have Celiac Disease (I can't eat wheat, barley, or rye).  About five months ago I started having stomach pains.  Soon I was staying home from school so often we went to the Doctor to see what was going on.  The Doctor ordered some labs, an x-ray, and talked to me about a few things that might be causing my stomach to hurt.  A few days later, we got the lab results back and they were positive but that didn't mean I had Celiac Disease for sure, but it did mean that I needed some more tests.  My little sister was having stomach pain too and had the same labs drawn which were also positive, we both ended up getting a scope.  A scope is basically a long camera the doctor uses to get pictures of your insides.  There was some really good news for my sister, her intestines looked normal and she didn't have Celiac Disease.  However, after I woke up from the the sleeping gas and the scope, my mom and dad saw the pictures and the Doctor told me I very likely had Celiac Disease.   We had to wait a few days for the biopsy test (the doctor took a very small piece of my intestine to look at with a microscope) to come back which also came back positive.  This event has changed my life forever since there is no cure for Celiac Disease.  

My friend down my street was also diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  One night she came over and her, my little sister, and I had the great idea to make a website ( and maybe share our stories and review new food products or recipes for the people who can't eat foods they used to love.

I still have stomach pain but not quite as often and I'll talk about the details in another post but for now, we are doing great.  Just a few weeks ago we did a neighborhood bake sale and made some skits we performed in a neighbors front yard on bullying.  I am happy that I have a great family who loves me and lots of friends who support me.

                                 AND THAT WAS MY FIRST BLOG POST!

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